fbq('track', 'AddToCart', { content_ids: ['123'], // 'REQUIRED': array of product IDs content_type: 'product', // RECOMMENDED: Either product or product_group based on the content_ids or contents being passed. });
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Cod lant: 2 / 1
Stoc: Da
Lungime: 44 cm 
Pret: 1150 lei
Certificat de garantie: Da
Garantie comerciala: 2 ani
Livrare: Gratuita
Cutie cadou: inclus
Retur: 30 de zile

Comanda acum!

Lant de dama din aur galben de 14k cu pandant cruce.

Cod SKU: 11002297
inclus TVA |
Culoare metal: galben

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    Pana acum, 100% din clientii care au comandat online au fost multumiti de bijuteriile primite. 😎

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